bookmark_borderDr. King completed his tenure as editor of the AP-LS News Legal Update column

After five years of having served as editor of the AP-LS News Legal Update column, Dr. King passed the torch to a new editor for the column.

In addition to penning several entries himself, Dr. King wishes to thank all those who submitted or contributed to entires upon his solicitation:

  • Dr. Heather Zelle (University of Virginia)
  • Dr. Tina M. Zottoli (Montclair State University)
  • Dr. Vanessa Edkins (Florida Institute of Technology)
  • Dr. Robert Cochrane (e.g., private practice)
  • Ms. Jill Del Pozzo (doctoral student at Montclair State University)
  • Dr. Emily Haney-Caron (John Jay College of Criminal Justice)
  • Ms. Erika Diaz Ortiz (graduate student at John Jay College of Criminal Justice)
  • Professor Michael Perlin (e.g., Mental Disability Law and Policy Associates)
  • Ms. Heather Ellis Cucolo (e.g., Mental Disability Law and Policy Associates)
  • Dr. Brianne Layden (Protect International Risk and Safety Services, Inc.)
  • Dr. Neil Gowensmith (University of Denver)
  • Professor Christopher Slobogin (Vanderbilt University)
  • Ms. Ivysmeralys Morales (former graduate student at Montclair State University)
  • Ms. Kellie Wiltsie (law and graduate student at Drexel University)
  • Ms. Aislinn Tansey (graduate student at Drexel University)
  • Dr. David DeMatteo (Drexel University)
  • Dr. Tarika Daftary-Kapur (Montclair State University)
  • Dr. Benjamin van Rooij (University of California, Irvine, and University of Amsterdam)
  • Dr. Adam Fine (Arizona State University)
  • Dr. Michael Saks (Arizona State University)
  • Dr. Lenore Walker (Nova Southeastern University College of Psychology)
  • Ms. Sana Vora (doctoral student at Montclair State University)

bookmark_borderDr. King and Sana Vora published a summary of all of APA’s amicus briefs

Dr. King and his doctoral student mentee, Sana Vora, published an entry in the American Psychology-Law Society (AP-LS) News Legal Update column, titled Sixty Years of American Psychological Association Amicus Curiae Briefs: 1962 to 2022.

The entry summarizes the 196 amicus (“friend of court”) briefs, 1 letter in support of certiorari (one route by which a higher court may review the decision of a lower court), and 1 letter in support of petition for review that the American Psychological Association (APA) had filed with a range of courts, beginning in 1962 and up through April 2022.

Dr. King and Ms. Vora have made available for download the data set that they compiled for the project, for use and potential updating in the future by others.

The entry can be read here and the data set is available here.